Monday, December 30, 2019
How to eliminate failure with mental simulations
How to eliminate failure with mental simulationsHow to eliminate failure with mental simulationsChris Hadfield has orbited Earth over 2,000 times and spent close to 4,000 hours in space.Hes arguably the most famous astronaut of our age, and his work has shed an intimate insight into what we know about the experience of life beyond the surface of our planet.Naturally, being an astronaut isnt easy. Its one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and it entails vast uncertainty. We might have a strong theoretical framework for how we expect the laws of physics to interact in space, but in reality, were still venturing into the unknown.Astronauts go through years and years of training to prepare themselves. In Hadfields case, he spent only a total of six months in space, but he was in the field for 21 years.For much of that time, his job description was to foresee any potential risks and solve any probable problems before he was in an actual situation during a mission. No issue was too big or too small to consider. It was about being thoroughly prepared.Although most of his training was done in simulated physical environments, Hadfield had his own tactics, too. For him, mental simulations were an even bigger part of the equation.Now, most of us dont have to worry about life in space, but there is wisdom in his method.In life, problems will arise, and sometimes, these problems will force us to quit something dear to us. That doesnt always have to be a bad thing, but it often seems that way. Thats where mental simulations come into play. We can use them to help us eliminate failure byVisualizing challenges to combat uncertaintyRecognizing the beneficial trade-offs of failingHaving a plan in place to leverage these trade-offsThe feeling of loss is seldom a physical loss, and that means that you can learn to reframe it.Visualize challenges to combat uncertaintyPeople often use mental simulations to visualize success. Its a fairly common piece of advice. To get to wher e you want to be, they say, you have to mentally see yourself there. They believe that were better able to reach our destination if we have a visual connection to it.Confidence counts, so there likely are parts of the idea that carry some weight, but its far from the whole story. By itself, its nothing mora than an imagined possibility that inspires doses of short-lived excitement. It doesnt add a thing to the process of getting there.A more practical exercise is to visualize failure. We can do this by thoroughly breaking down the path ahead in an attempt to identify where possible challenges will arise, including worst-case scenarios. This trick allows us to plot solutions to potential problems, and it familiarizes us with the least desirable outcome.In his book, An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth, Hadfield calls this the power of negative thinking. In both his life and his work, rather than visualizing the desired result, his strategy has been to unhinge all part of the process and question where things could go wrong.1He actively thinks about where he can fail and what he can do about it before it ever happens. To him, its about proactivity instead of reactivity. Its a simple system that increases the odds that an optimal solution will present itself when its needed.Visualizing failure is a very effective way of thinking about process improvement in general, but its arguably even more useful as a tool to desensitize ourselves to the idea of failing.We fear failure for two primary reasons uncertainty and the burden of expectations. We either dont know whats on the other side, or our bar for success is so focused that we havent fully considered any alternatives.By really dissecting the worst-case scenario which often isnt as bad we think it is and by trying to understand it rationally, we can hack away at the irrationality that causes either fear.Recognize the beneficial trade-offs of failingHumans are incredibly versatile. Weve survived in so many varied climates that weve had to evolve to match the variety of external stimuli with our own arsenal of internal responses.In many ways, the pace of innovation around us has increased to a point where evolution cant keep up. This has lead to a mismatch between our environment and our biology. More than ever, its on us to use this flexible range of internal responses to continuously readapt.When it comes to quitting, it can be hard to fully consider any outcome as desirable other than the one weve set our mind to. Thats what makes failure so difficult to digest. But its important to remember that any outcome, even the good ones, are a product of trade-offs.In life, anytime we make a decision or find ourselves on a particular road, its because some other possibilities that could have occurred didnt. The cost of success is a benefit of failure.If youre an artist on the side and youve put in work hoping to leave your day job, but its beginning to look like thats just not a feasibility, then youre going to feel like youve lost. And given that this was your expectation, in your subjective reality, that might be true.That said, another truth is that youve now also guaranteed yourself the freedom to not tie your income to the stress and uncertainty that comes with entrepreneurship. On top of that, youre also freed from catering your art and your creativity to the demands of the market.You might have been okay with the uncertainty and the odd compromise, but that doesnt mean that your situation doesnt still open up a different kind of opportunity for you. You can take your passion in a new and authentic direction, free from pressure and compromise.Now, its not easy to readjust a mindset after striving for and failing to achieve something that took a lot of work. This is especially true for relationships and passionate pursuits, but by mentally simulating the beneficial trade-offs between alternatives, you can prepare yourself a little better. By considering these things bef ore they happen, you can hedge the risk of quitting.You can choose to recognize some of the consequences of your goals and use them to realize that not only is failure often not as bad as you think it is but not everything about failing is bad.Have a plan in place to leverage the trade-offsIts important to note that, as valuable as mental simulations are, there is a potential downside.If you focus too much on shifting your narrative away from what you want to accomplish, theres a risk of welcoming complacency, and thats not where you want to end up. Subjective or not, if something is worth fearing failure for, its probably worth striving for, too.Therefore, simulations are a method of preparation and just that. The full focus should still be on moving in the direction that you deem optimal. Only if you dont get there, you can make use of what you learned through the simulations to shift the narrative of failure to opportunity.If you prepare your mind accordingly, when failure does o ccur, it will no doubt still be difficult to digest, but it likely wont be as debilitating because there will be a plan in place to shift from whatever didnt work to the contingency recognized in the trade-offs of success.If the gain of losing is the freedom from external pressure, for example, its about having a plan and a routine ready so that you can get excited for whatever that freedom allows you to do.Once momentum catches, youll have something new to think about and build on and work towards. It will distract you away from what youve just missed. Youll have a new focus.An example is a rebound relationship. Contrary to popular belief, research suggests a fairly strong link between the lack of time between relationships and a subjects feelings of well-being and self-esteem. Naturally, the key lies in the quality of the new relationship.2It might be difficult to open up again right after a breakup, but it appears that a pretty good way to move on is to direct time and energy to a new and healthy connection elsewhere. 3Of course, thats a very circumstantial example, but the idea is to limit the time spent dwelling by being proactive in addressing the new reality. After a while, it becomes the new norm.Leverage the opportunity in trade-offs to quickly adjust to the thought of whatever is ahead.All you need to knowTheres a difference between our subjective experience and the objective reality. We all have our subjective preferences, and theyre what make one way of life more preferable than another. The objective world, however, doesnt carry this bias. It just sees whats there as it is.The pain of failing is a result of a poor match between our subjective preferences and the objective reality. Its not an easy thing to deal with, but it also doesnt have to be too difficult.With adequate preparation, you can learn how to fail successfully. You can find opportunity in a loss when it does occur, and as a result, you can, at the very least, minimize the potential h arm of quitting. This strategy combines mental simulations with deliberate action into three steps.I. Visualize failure to combat uncertainty. By breaking down the process that leads to a desired result and questioning where things could go wrong, you are better prepared if they do indeed go wrong. The worst-case scenario is rarely as bad as you think it is, and by familiarizing yourself with it, you can combat the irrational fears, too.II. Recognize the beneficial trade-offs of failing. No matter what you do, its always at the expense of something else, whether it be time, money, or a different opportunity. By simulating the costs of succeeding and aligning them as benefits of failing, you can prepare for potential pain by realizing that not everything about failing is bad.III. If failure does occur, the contingency is to shift from the mindset of failing to one of exploring a new opportunity by using the tools provided by the mental simulations. Its about having a plan in place to recognize the possibility in the trade-offs that would otherwise have been made if failure wasnt the outcome. Its about refocusing.How you feel about something isnt set in stone. You do have a choice in how you respond to your external environment, and with the right tactics, you can turn failure into an opportunity. You can reframe reality. Not always, not easily, and not overnight, but its not impossible.Aim to win. Do the work and keep moving, but know that theres more than one way forward.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atkonzeption Luck.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How the digital skills gap is hurting your job hunt
How the digital skills gap is hurting your job huntHow the digital skills gap is hurting your job huntThe only way to stay competitive in todays job market is to constantly be learning. Heres why and how to get ahead.What can damage the candidacy of an otherwise worthy applicant in todays job market? A lack of solid digital skills.Unfortunately, this lack of digital skills is the reality for an overwhelming majority of todays workers. According to a poll by Harris Interactive, only one in 10 professionals consider themselves very proficient with the digital tools they use every day. In many cases, the laborer is not fully to blame. Employee training has been lacking for decades, to the point where even President Obama has acknowledged its urgency, rahmen aside $600 million to offer more apprenticeships and technological training for future workers.The fact is, a professional who fails to upgrade their digital skills will simply fall behind - and fast. A recent study conducted by De loitte states that the rapid pace of technological change in the workplace can lead to a skills half-life of only 2.5 years. This means that even the most adept employees will see a lag in efficiency if they arent keeping pace with advancing technology.So how can busy professionals keep up with digital trends?The silver lining is that training solutions have been developed - short, succinct micro-lessons, typically delivered via 60-90 second videos, accessed on ones own time on the internet - that can deliver timely content to those who need it most. This method of training, known as micro-learning, is digestible in focused bite-sized units, addressing the needs of the technologically deficient by aiding engagement and retention, and teaching skills that facilitate digital apprehension in the most efficient and effective manner possible.Regardless of specific content or format, a well-designed training program can greatly improve speed and productivity, increase job satisfaction a nd repay the time invested tenfold for highly applicable digital skills essential to the current job market. Below are the eight digital skills proven to be most prudent for a professional to comprehend in buchung to succeed as a member of the rapidly evolving workforce. I suggest finding micro-lessons for all eight, even just to brush up your skills.Digital Documents Digital documents are used to store data, conduct analysis and communicate ideas and outcomes within almost every field of business these days.Communication Management Email is now the primary medium for interaction in business. According to McKinsey, we spend 28 percent of our workweeks reading, writing or responding to emails.Project Collaboration Companies are increasingly implementing project management software like Basecamp and Asana to help employees collaborate across departments, and with colleagues who work remotely.Online Research The growth of the Internet and the digitization of archives have literally tra nsformed the way in which individuals and businesses conduct research across the business world.Attention Management Attention management skills are the soft skills employees need in order to focus on high-priority tasks without the distraction or loss of productivity.Platform Flexibility More and more workers are expected to be comfortable using a plethora of hardware and software platforms across multiple operating systems and devices.Digital Etiquette As social media and digital communication grows, inadequate control given to individual employees can leave businesses open to great risk unless users are properly trained.Privacy and Security Security threats to individuals and businesses are becoming increasingly sophisticated as the market becomes more and more digital and the impact from philanthropisch error can cause security breaches of increased severity.Considering that the U.S. Department of Labor has announced that the number of job openings across the country is at its h ighest level since January 2001 - 4.8 million - the time is now for job seekers to brush up on the digital skills imperative for becoming and/or staying employed in the 21st century.
Friday, December 20, 2019
How to Get Started in a Financial Servicse Careers
How to Get Started in a Financial Servicse CareersHow to Get Started in a Financial Servicse CareersOpportunities for savvy and well-qualified graduates interested in a financial services career are readily available, especially for those who make the right moves with their job search. Heres how you can prepare to successfully get hired for a career in financial services while youre an undergraduate student. Participate in Internship Programs A powerful and growing trend in the past several years has been for financial services employers to draw heavily on their own internship programs to fill entry level positions. These employers can carefully evaluate the performance of candidates on the job within their organization and take the mystery out of what can be a very tricky process of screening college talent. College students canbegin amassing internship experience as early as their freshman year, even if this means working for free in an anfangsbuchstabe position. Candidates ear ly in their college career should apply for internship programs at leading financial services firms as a Plan A, but shouldalso target smaller organizations as a contingency plan. A local brokerage, financial planning or banking firm may not have a structured internship program but may be open toorganizing an internship experiencefor a college student or alumnus from the area. Drop by local firms during school breaks to make inquiries and tap family contacts to facilitate the process. Build a Strong Academic Record The college years are also a crucial time to build a candidate profile thatwillbevalued in various niches within thefinancial services industrythrough academic and co-curricular experiences. For example, candidates for investment banking positions must have very strong academic records with a high GPA, a pattern of taking on challenging coursework, and evidence of a superior work ethic. Cultivate a solid academic grounding in quantitative, technical, and scientific di sciplines to complement economics and business coursework. A candidate with a dual major in economics and mathematics will often be more attractive than one with only a business major. Grow Leadership and Finance Skills Consider financially oriented positions with clubs, organizations, and the student government association on your unigelnde to demonstrate an interest in financially oriented tasks. Students targeting sales must develop and showcase stronginterpersonal skills, perseverance, and a competitive nature. Pursue leadership positions on campus where a student takesresponsibility to influence peers to action, or start and promote a student business, or volunteer to help campus development officers with your colleges fundraising efforts. Trading requires quick judgments and outstanding number-crunching skills. Participate in investment challenges online and on campus to demonstrate an interest in financial markets. Research Options Well in Advance There are a broad ra nge ofoptions to considerin the financial serves sector and students should begin researching these discrete areas early on in their college career. After reading about these fields, students should conductinformational interviewswith professionals performing roles of interest to learn more. Many colleges offerjob shadowingprograms which provide an excellent opportunity for students to observe first-hand finance professionals in a variety of different functional areas. Job Search Strategies for College Seniors Students should begin investigating the recruiting opportunities offered through their career office during junior year to prepare for their senior job search. fruchtwein financial services employers recruit early in the year and seniors can be caught off guard if they wait until their final year to target employers, createresumes and cover letters, andprepare for interviews. In addition to campus interviewing, explore options for participating inrecruiting eventsoff-campu s sponsored by your college, or job fairs which allow all college students to participate. Since analyst training programs at major investment firms are extremely competitive, candidates should also target some Plan B options. Smaller local firms and boutique investment houses that are not household names will have some opportunities for analysts as well. These jobs can be best accessed through networking with alumni and personal/family contacts. Also, consider back office positions in technology and compliance as well as front office jobs in trading and money management as additional targets within the investment field. Most employers are open to applications from candidates outside the roster of campuses where they actively recruit. Develop alist of employers in sectors of interestsand apply online for positions early in your senior year. Make it clear that you are quite willing to travel to corporate facilities for interviews. Complete anonline profile with OneWireso that the emp loyers working with this finance-specific service can identify you as a viable candidate. Also, scan their listings and those of othermajor job sites,and apply to as many positions as possible. Networking Tips for Finance Majors Career experts are in universal agreement that themost effective job search strategy is networking College juniors interested in financial services careers should amass a list of contacts to approach for information and advice about post-graduate jobs. Heres how to get started Contact college career and alumni office for suggestions.Attend campus and regional college panels andnetworking eventsto source leads.Sign up for LinkedIn. Join college and industry groups in the system and approach fellow members for informational interviews.Ask faculty to referyouto former students or colleagues for meetings.Ask parents to devise a list of family contacts. Send them a notenzeichen including a photo and newsy personal update. Request introductions to any of their contacts in financial services for the purpose of informational interviews. Reach out to Facebook friends employed in finance who graduated in the past two years and ask to schedule visits for informational consultations with them at their office location. Once you are on site, these contacts can introduce you to managers and other staff involved with hiring college students/graduates.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Be a Social Media Leader and Influence the Marketplace
Be a Social Media Leader and Influence the MarketplaceBe a Social Media Leader and Influence the MarketplaceBe a Social Media Leader and Influence the Marketplace ChaneyIn 2006, well-known Web usability expert Jakob Nielsen developed the Community Participation Pyramid, otherwise known as the 9091 Principle. Nielsens findings, whichremain prescient about social media behavior to this day, state the following90 percent of users are lurkers (i.e., read or observe, but dont contribute).9 percent of users contribute from time to time, but other priorities dominate their time.1 percent of users participate a lot and account for most contributions.I fall into that one percent bracket and tend to think everyone else either does (or should) as well. They dont and, according to Nielsen, they wont.Rather than be dismayed at the lack of participation, perhaps those of us who are assiduous creators of content should view this as a blessing in disguise, in that it gives us the opportunity to beco me all the more influential.The Relevance of Social Media Personally, I did elend get into blogging and social media just to have a bully pulpit. While I enjoy sharing my points of view, my chief goal has always been to start conversations.Ive long held the view espoused by www pioneer Dave Winer, who once said, in regard to blogs, that comments left by readers are often more insightful than the post itself. True conversational marketing nirvana is achieved when conversations within the comment thread take on a life of their own. The original post becomes nothing more than tinder to start a fire. Still, in spite of the promise social media holds for allowing everyone to be proactive contributors, the fact is, most wont.What are the implications of this trend as it pertains to content creators? We have the opportunity to become a center of influence using social media. Being a member of the one-per center club means there are 99 percent that we have the ability to influence.Becoming a center of influence via social mediais easier now than ever. Perhaps the real promise of social media is not that everyone participates equally, but that those who choose to take up the mantle of one-percentership have the opportunity to do so with fewer obstacles. We can become tribal leaders. Think of the ways that social media could benefit your business.Theres an explosion of new tools available to help lead the tribes were forming, said Seth Godin in his book Tribes. There are literally thousands of ways to coordinate and connect groups of people that just didnt exist a generation ago. All of it is worthless if you dont decide to lead.With influence comes responsibility. We cannot take this issue of leadership lightly. We have a responsibility to use our influence not for selfish motives but to benefit the community as a whole, and those who take this responsibility seriously will be rewarded by those very same communities.Here are some ways you can use social media to exert influenceExpress servant leadership. Lead by example and have a do unto others attitude. Thats the mindset I believe an influencer needs to have. In other words, be a mentor and a mensch.Provide valuable content. Value is subjective of course. One persons trash is another ones treasure. Nonetheless, I think there are some common sense principles that can be applied to content creation.Think in terms of what will benefit the community. Face it, most people dont really care what you or I have to say unless it benefits them in some way. You have to win the right to be heard. Think of the example of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Only when he had met his followers felt needs could he go on to meet their real ones (think Maslows Hierarchy of Needs).I dont mean to imply that people are selfish by nature, but one thing is for sure, we are strapped for time. We only have time to consume the information that will provide most benefit. If your aim is to become an influencer, be the person who serve s that function.Dont take it personally. While social media is a personal medium, people will tend to value your content before they value you. For example, if Im in the market to purchase a home, Im probably going to search for properties before I search for a realtor.One of the people who best exemplifies the highest and best of this leadership ethic is new media marketing consultant Chris Brogan. Even he said via a Twitter message that sometimes he feels more like a service than a human. It goes with the territory and is one of the hazards of the job.Research, research, research. There welches a time when creating content for the Web was much easier than it is now. For example, on average a given blog post may take as much as two hours to write. (Two hours And some take much longer than that, believe it or not.) That may be in part because Im getting older and not as fast on my feet as I once was, but I think largely its due to the fact I try to substantiate my commentary with ap propriate documentation and cite a number of other resources. Its a far cry from the pithy, anecdotal rants and raves of days gone by.There is more I could say, but you get the point. If Nielsens numbers are valid, and experience tells me they are, a great opportunity lays at your feet to become an influencer, the leader of a tribe.Excerpted with permission of the publisher John Wiley and Sons from The Digital Handshake Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media.Copyright (c) 2009 by Paul Chaney.Author BioPaul Chaney is the president of International Blogging and New Media Association (IBNMA), a non-profit trade association dedicated to the advance of new media as an industry. In less than 1 year, it has become one of the leading resources on social networking, offering information, conferences, and networking opportunities for thought leaders in the industry. Paul also serves as Marketing Director for Bizzuka, a Web content management software company.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
How to bring your career (or job search) back from hibernation
How to bring your career (or job search) back from hibernationHow to bring your career (or job search) back from hibernationIs it just me, or does this winter feel endless? All that bundling up makes me want to hibernate for a while and skip any unnecessary social interactions, much less active face-to-face time. And along with wanting to climb under the covers until April, for many people winter meant putting the job hunt on hold until better weather (or a friendlier job climate) arrived.If you are getting back out into the job market after some time away or are revving up a stalled career search, there are plenty of quick, actionable tips to get you going, said Rachel Gauthier Vice President, Practice Partner of The Tolan Group, one of the top national recruiters in the US.Pay attentionFirst things first this can be a process and my biggest piece of advice is BE POSITIVE and attentive Gauthier urges.Its tough to remain optimistic when things seem to be taking a while to happen, bu t it can keep you going in the right direction.Gauthier thinks you should be open-minded to hearing good advice in unexpected places Listen to the well-intended career advice others provide and who knows what amazing opportunities await.Do the legworkGauthier says its a good idea to start with the obvious.You have probably already started thinking about who you know in your own network and probably begun the process of reaching out to them. Just a word of advice from an experienced recruiter, if you go out and begin asking those you know and respect for names or introductions, you need to do some leg work first.But what exactly does that mean? Gauthier suggests you look to see who they are connected with (on LinkedIn, etc.) that you feel would be a great connection. Create a little feeder list to help get things rolling.And dont feel down if people draw a blank when you ask for a recommendation out of the blue. As Gauthier explains it I dont know about you, but when I am asked who I know that does something specific, my mind tends to go blank I need time to think.To that end, if you start to research and do your own homework, you can get the ball rolling with a gentle nudge in the right direction.Plant some seedsLets go for the full winter to spring metaphor here and talk about watching your network grow.As Gauthier puts it, If you have already done this, make new connections on LinkedIn. Grow your network You dont just need to do this on LinkedIn there are professional networking groups everywhere, check out your local Chamber of Commerce.And yeah, you should probably do at least some of it in person. Go mingle put yourself out there. Meet others who are doing cool things in your community and let the spider web of networking happen. It can be fun she said.More than that, It can also be outside of your comfort zone, in which case, Gauthier offers a slightly different approach. She suggests taking one of your connectors along with you and really making thing s happen. It can also make the next networking vorstellung and the one after that MUCH easier.Polish your personal brandWhens the last time you had a critical look at your LinkedIn profile and your resume?Is it current and show who you are and what you are great at? Gauthier asks. A standout LinkedIn profile (which is where most employers go to check you out) and your resume are a great place to start building your personal brand.And while youre at it, What about your LinkedIn connections? Already tapped this little market? Try to go outside of your professional comfort zone.Gauthier advises job searchers to look at companies that are in your career space and start searching for people within those organizations and send personalized connections to each.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Why Everybody Is Talking About Header for Resume...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Header for Resume...The Simple Truth Revealed The resume sample has a strong ability to keep up a readers interest over the span of the full document. With the perfect subject line, youre going to be sure your application is set in the suitable folder to be viewed in a timely way. Begin with thisyoga resume sample for a guideline then dont hesitate to modify it to your liking. A cover letter can appear tough to develop since you dont wish to be repetitive of information in the resume, but at precisely the same time, you must draw attention to the resume. Your contact number is the very best way for employers to contact you should you score an interview, so make certain they can discover it. Evidently, your personenname is likely to go at the peak of your resume. You would like to remain easily readable and keep a professional appearance. One of the greatest things you can do in order to receive your resume in fighting shape is to ensure your h eadline game is strong. Display your information logically, make it simple to read, and be certain a bit of your personality shines through. Do it right, however, and youll grease the rails to allow you to slide in the interview. Understanding Header for Resume You are able to even consist of unrelated experiences, as you never understand what unique background an employer could be on the lookout for. Recipients might not be acquainted with your name when you send a work search, networking, or other small business emails. In an email applying for work, use the job title as the subject line, or so the employer is aware of what position youre interested in. Always know about the presentation you provide to prospective employers and recruiters and make certain it is top-shelf. The lists arent exhaustive, as the key terms you should increase your resume depend on your experience and techniques. Networking emails may be the hardest to get noticed, because the individual emailin g isnt trying to solve a particular herausforderung or fill a position. Located on top of your resume beneath your name and contact info, a headline enables a recruiter to see quickly and concisely what makes you the correct person for the job. Make certain to personalize your LinkedIn connection. The Secret to Header for Resume Make your name the largest thing on the webpage. To head your resume, put the most suitable contact info in the proper purchase. Ensure your name stands out. It should be one of the focal points on your resume. The Advantages of Header for Resume Just like both of the other essentials, make it super obvious and simple to locate. Optimizing your resume to guarantee cohesiveness is a required step if you would like employers to really read it and consider you for the position. The work experience section will likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. Just take a while to think what activities will fit the work description. Its also w ise to highlight your abilities and characteristics since they pertain to the position. In case it makes more sense to first highlight professional accomplishments or other activities because it is going to cause you to be a stronger candidate, then it is necessary to achieve that. An enormous collection of action verbs are available here. The same as the resume, make sure that you have NO typos. Its fine to break in the center of a section, but dont break up sentences within work description or educational listing. You also have the choice of making any clarifications. Its possible for you to add an additional middle paragraph if absolutely vital. If your letter is spilling off onto another page, first reread it and see whether theres anything it is possible to cut. Make certain you include every one of unterstellung sections Pin me first In a couple of minutes, you will understand how to compose a job-winning entry-level resume. Header for Resume Including an expert pho to of yourself is a wonderful idea for creative resumes. If you discover that its tricky to keep to a single page, you might be attempting to include carsalesman many particulars. Someone reading your resume ought to be in a position to do so within a couple of minutes. For more help, utilize the sample college student resume template at the peak of this write-up. Life, Death and Header for Resume Make your header stick out. The footer is far less inclined to be looked at than the header so only use it for information like the page number that is not essential. Sample header is just one of the most significant elements of carsalesman effective resume. Headers and footers are typically set on the top and bottom sections of your Word document. Poor AppearanceYour cover letter ought to have a name header on top that matches the header on your resume as a letterhead. The second section ends at the kusine of the the very first page. Word 2010 features quite a few page number f ormatting options, and you may use the steps here in order to include page numbers in the header. Finally, heres a cover letter format example.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
How Your Online Reputation Can Prevent You from Landing Top Talent - Spark Hire
How Your Online Reputation Can Prevent You from Landing Top Talent - Spark HireWhether you like it or elend, or whether you initiated it or not, your business is verbunden. You may handle all of your daily business offline, but chances are, your customers are tweeting, posting and reviewing your services, products and customer care.Now, when a job opens up with your company, interested job candidates are going to Google you, and they need to like what they see. Thats why its vital to your talent acquisition efforts to gain and maintain control of your zugreifbar reputation. So where do you start?TIME suggests that you should Google your company first. What you want to see in the first few results are your website (if you have one) and your social media accounts. However, if youve done no work to control your online image, you might see reviews from sites like Yelp or BBB. While the reviews may not necessarily be hurtful, there is no guarantee that they will always remain so impartial .To attract top talent, look into creating your own website, even if you dont handle any business online. This allows you to share your story, mission and services and products. Invest some time in social media as well. In doing so, job candidates can find out who you are and how your business works and runs on a more personal, informal level.Also, utilize a free blog platform like Blogspot or WordPress to create posts about your business, services and products. This not only helps your online reputation but your search rankings as well. TIME states that in taking this next step you can share your expertise and make yourself a trusted resource for your customers.Another way to attract top talent is to move your small business hiring efforts online. Advertising open opportunities online and creating company profiles on sites like Spark Hire exposes your business to a wider pool of job candidates. Plus, online recruitment helps you streamline the hiring process with the ability to sto re resumes in one place and conduct video interviews to screen job candidates.Finally, analyze and asses whats working for you. You can gauge your online reputation with free sites like Google Alerts, Tweet Beep, Naymz, Social Mention and MonitorThis as recommended by TIME. While using these sites may seem extremely foreign at first, over time youll not only learn to manage them but to make something of the results.Controlling your online reputation is a vital step towards attracting top talent in your industry. By telling your story and managing your online presence to reflect your mission and values for your business, job candidates will not only become interested in your company but invested.Do you think your online reputation can really hurt your business? Why or why not? Share now in our comments
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
#3 Bored at Work Watch These Amazing Underrated Movies
3 Bored at Work Watch These Amazing Underrated Movies3 Bored at Work Watch These Amazing Underrated MoviesBored at Work 3 brings you the list of amazing movies that remain unknown for many people. Hopefully you will fall in love with some of themSubmarineStory about 15-years-old Oliver who deals with average problems of his age. Story is easy to follow and you will find yourself in a relaxing while watching. What makes this movie special, is beautiful analog style of camera and breathtaking soundtrack composed by Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys.50/50This is not an ordinary comedy based on cheap jokes. Main character finds out about his cancer diagnosis. With a help from his friends and mother, he learns a true values of life. This movie will make you laugh and cry at the same timeRequiem for a DreamFour characters connected by their drug addiction. The movie becomes rough with stronger addiction of each one of them. During ending credits you will feel like piece of you died. If you a re in mood for this, definitely check it outThe Pursuit of HappinessBased on a true story about Christopher Gardner. He is in a difficult life situation his wife left him, he lost his house and is struggling to find a job. He is taking care of his little son, which makes it even harder. This is a beautiful movie that will teach you a lesson on being persistent.Into the WildChristopher is a very ambitious student, who have just graduated from university. He decides to leave his boring life and starts a new one. Giving all his money to the charity he hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness while shaping his new life.American PsychoA Wealthy and handsome Wall Street investment banking executive hides his psychopathic personality from the outer world. Of course, hes not able to hide his secret forever and small pieces of his distorted personality starts leaking and his hatred for everyone in the world gets more intense.Do you like this story? Share it with your friends.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to avoid 6 deadly sins of resume design
How to avoid 6 deadly sins of resume entwurfHow to avoid 6 deadly sins of resume designHow to avoid 6 deadly sins of resume designWhen it comes to resume editing, any slight mistake could cost you a fortune. This is not something you want. To avoid this, you need to learn what to include and what to leave out in your professional resume. In this article, we will be taking you through common mistakes.And enjoy reading about how to avoid 6 deadly sins of resume designResume paperFrom the word go, your resume paper to be up to standards. Take your time to get a paper with a smooth finish. You can opt for slightly heavier papers, but at least the paper should not be as stiff as a cardboard. Consider going for a paper with some slight cream touch this will make your resume more appealing to fruchtwein people as used to the too obvious pure snow white papers. Avoid pink looking papers or strawberry scented papers. They will do you no good.Font TypeWhen it comes to font, you need to walk sl owly in these muddy waters. By default, most text editors will feature the Time News Romans. However, this can be a deathbed as its letter spacing, and word spacing is usually clumsy or wretched. Instead of this, go for a different typeface. Humanist Dans, Matthew Carters Georgia or Geometric Sans are good to go by. To get the cream out of it, save your resume as a PDF, it will look quite good on any display.Font SizeIf there is anything to go by, a good resume should have a well-lit font. The tiny type fonts are a must avoid. To prevent this, go for fonts thats are above 9 points. Remember that most people in the panel are advanced in age. However, you shouldnt overdo it. A standard font of 12 or 14 will do well.DecorationsIts good to have that pimp aspect on your resume however, this should not be overdone. Hearts, floral borders or rainbow colors will do you more harm. Instead, ensure you add some character setting. This is easily achievable. Consider things like setting your ant hroponym slightly larger or in a different feel as compared to other interfaces. If you use color in your resume design, it should be used sparingly.Paper sizeWhen it comes to paper size, your resume needs not to be absurd or weird. Go for the standard sized papers. A standard paper should be around 8.5 by 11 inches. Anything else will be overboard. Your resume needs to fit well at least in your binder file. Small resumes should be avoided. The golden tip here is use the standard paper in your geographical location, PeriodFormattingWhile trying to outsmart others, designers may opt to format resumes in a landscape format. Avoid this at all costs. Stick to the portrait format. fruchtwein people who conduct interviews have had a chance to interact with so many resumes. Most of them are usually in portrait format. Getting a resume in landscape format may suggest that you are careless to even observe simple aspects. If you want to be outstanding, do a good cover letter instead.We have b een looking at How to avoid 6 deadly sins of resume design. We hope that this article will go a long way in helping you make an outstanding resume. Good Luck
Heres Why Your Job Application Was Ignored
Hereâs Why Your Job Application Was Ignored Hereâs Why Your Job Application Was Ignored The first step of the job hunt- sending the job application- may easily be one of the most challenging steps. Even if you do everything by the book- you fully read the job description, research the company, carefully tailor your cover letter and resume, and follow the application instructions- you can still come up short with nothing but static from the employer. Many job seekers in this situation find themselves wondering, what happened?! Playing the waiting game and hearing nothing but silence is one of the most discouraging aspects of job searching. Sadly, not responding to job applications has become a growing trend among companies. According to a CareerBuilder survey, 25% of those surveyed said that they never received an acknowledgment after submitting job applications, or worse, were not informed about the hiring managerâs decision after an interview. So is there a real reason why employers are keeping you in the dark about your job application? did some digging and asked this question to hiring managers from around the country. Hereâs what a few had to say: Its company protocol. Sometimes, its not youits them. In other words, it might just be their policy to not respond to each and every job applicant. If you look closely at the job posting or at the companys Career or Jobs page, they may include a note about this. The hiring manager is simply too busy. âMany hiring managers donât follow up because thereâs simply not enough time,â one hiring manager said. âFor each job that we post, there may be hundreds of job applications. Answering each and every one of those would be a full-time job in and of itself.â Said another: âI [do] my best to stay on top of my inbox, especially when I know I needed to follow up with a candidate I really liked, but there were some nights where I said to myself, âItâs late and I havenât had dinner yet. Iâm going to have to take care of this tomorrow morning.â I [sometimes need] to take a break from the job and put off a few emails until the morning.â Providing feedback may have legal roadblocks. According to one hiring manager: âI agree that it would be beneficial for a candidate to get feedback from potential employers. But it is rare for someone being interviewed to receive specific feedback on how they did because of the legal implications involved and the potential liability the person sharing the information might incur.â Additionally, according to an article on The Balance, âA rejection letter could potentially bring on legal action, depending on how its written. Better to send no letter at all than risk a potential lawsuit.â Offering feedback may spark unwanted communication. âA rejection letter coming from a specific employee with their name and email can spark unwanted ongoing communication from the applicant, asking if [they] might apply again or for another position, or where [their] interview went wrong. Multiply that by 250 rejections, and its a hassle HR managers want to avoid,â said an article on The Balance. Hiring managers often need team approval- especially for leadership roles. Especially for senior-level positions, hiring a new executive leader will directly impact the way the organization is run. Said one hiring manager, âHiring is often a team sport, meaning that I might like a candidate, but the decision of the team is a different candidate. This will always complicate the feedback to a candidate.â Employers prefer to hire recommendations or contacts. âThe real reason that people do not reply to applicants is the âgeneral applicantsâ are likely coming from the third or fourth tier quality of the job leads I get. The best people to hire are ones I have worked with before, and the second best are those who are recommended by people I know and respect. And the third tier are people I may meet at networking events,â explained a hiring manager. The position may have already been filled. While many companies are diligent about taking job postings off of job boards after the position has been filled, there is a chance that that over a month-old job posting is no longer relevant. If you are truly interested in a position that is three weeks or older, consider contacting the company directly before sending your application to see if the position is still available. If the company is still accepting applications, be sure to introduce yourself and begin the conversation before your application has even made it to the hiring managerâs inbox. This first contact can ensure the hiring manager looks for your application and lessen the chance of your application getting lost or disregarded. What options do you have if you donât hear back about your job application? Recruiters and hiring managers say its important to keep in mind that there are several reasons for delayed or no response, and more often than not, those reasons are not personal. You also have the option to create a checklist for yourself and self-assess how you did in your job application or preliminary interview. Checklist items may include the quality of examples given, amount of relevant research done, rapport built with your interviewer, attire, and more. Evaluating yourself can be a great help in determining how well you did, and what you can improve for next time.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
7 things in your diet that could be sabotaging your sleep
7 things in your diet that could be sabotaging your sleep 7 things in your diet that could be sabotaging your sleep Everyone knows that drinking coffee after a certain hour can keep you up past bedtime, but the connection between what we ingest and how we sleep goes a lot deeper than an after-dinner cup of joe; various excesses and deficiencies in the diet can have a surprising effect on sleep quality. If you struggle with insomnia, striving for the right balance of these foods, drinks, and specific nutrients may help you get a good nightâs rest. Hereâs a look at some of the top dietary sleep disruptors.1. Too Much Sugar: Did your parents ever tell you that if you ate sweets to close to bedtime youâd never get to sleep? They may have been on to something. Though sugar wonât make you hyper as people often claim, it can interfere with your rest. Frequent consumption of energy drinks and sugar-sweetened beverages has been associated with poor sleep quality. Research reveals that a diet generally high in carbohydrates - especially simple sugars - often results in increased nighttim e wakefulness. To boost your chances of waking up refreshed, moderate your sugar intake throughout the day, opting instead for a balance of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.2. Too Much Alcohol: Beer, wine, and cocktails can make us feel so relaxed and sleepy. Arenât they a friend to our nighttime rest? Not necessarily. Too much alcohol can actually keep us awake. Consumption of three or more alcoholic drinks before bed promotes sleep disturbance within just three days. Experts recommend people with trouble sleeping exercise caution when it comes to the amount of alcohol they imbibe, especially in the evening.3. Too Little Vitamin D: Did you know the âsunshine vitaminâ you soak up during the day can also help you at night? Authors of a new study in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience set out to test the theory that robust levels of vitamin D could improve sleep quality - and their research proved them right. When study subjects with sleep disorders took high-dose supplements of the vitamin, they fell asleep faster, slept longer, and had improved sleep quality overall. Many Americans are chronically deficient in vitamin D, and the only way to know for sure if your levels are low is to get a blood test. If one reveals you need more, foods rich in vitamin D like milk, cheese, egg yolks, and fatty fish can help - or talk to your doctor about incorporating supplements.4. Too Much Caffeine: True, coffee can keep you wired and jittery at bedtime, but itâs not so much the coffee itself as the caffeine it contains. Hard evidence backs up this common knowledge: A 2017 systematic review confirmed a host of caffeineâs ill effects on sleep, from reduced slow-wave sleep, to difficulty falling asleep, to decreased total sleep time. Cutting out coffee and espresso drinks close to bedtime is an obvious solution, but you may also want to take a closer look at your diet to uncover unexpected sources of caffeine. Soda, chocolate, and even ch ocolate-flavored foods like ice creams and cereals could contain enough to keep you up at night. 5. Too Much Water - or Too Little: While drinking too much coffee before bed can keep you up at night, so can drinking too much water. (Havenât we all experienced the sleep-disrupting effects of a full bladder?) But too little hydration may also have a negative effect on your rest. While some research indicates that mild dehydration shouldnât pose a threat to sleep quality, the National Sleep Foundation states that even a moderate lack of fluids can cause problems. Parched airways make you more likely to snore, and dehydration-induced leg cramps are a painful cause of nighttime waking. To find the right hydration balance, try to drink non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic beverages throughout the day, but donât overdo water intake in the hours leading up to bedtime.6. Too Little Magnesium: Of all the nutrients we keep track of in our foods, magnesium doesnât generally rank very high⦠but perhaps it should. Among its many functions in the body, this dietary mineral promotes healthy digestion, helps maintain blood sugar levels, and can improve the bodyâs performance on various measures of insomnia. Foods like legumes, spinach and other leafy greens, and salmon are just a few options to boost your magnesium levels and promote better sleep. 7. Too Much Spicy Food: Notice a recurring trend of poor sleep after Taco Tuesday? Spicy foods are notorious for causing sleep troubles. In some people, this may be because these foods promote indigestion or aggravate acid reflux. But even if tummy troubles arenât your issue, spicy foods could pose another hindrance to rest. In an effort to explore the connection between spicy food and sleep disruption, researchers in one study had subjects eat Tabasco sauce and mustard with their evening meal, then monitored their nighttime sleep. Not surprisingly, it took subjects longer than usual to fall to sleep, and they experienced increased total wake time. The study authors concluded that this was because capsaicin - a chemical compound in many spicy foods - raised body temperature in the first stage of sleep.If youâre struggling to get a good nightâs rest, try keeping a food and drink journal to identify recurring patterns. You may find your diet has more to do with your sleep than you ever dreamed.This article was originally published on Brit + Co.
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Top 25 Skills Employers Look for on LinkedIn in 2016
The Top 25 Skills Employers Look for on LinkedIn in 2016 The Top 25 Skills Employers Look for on LinkedIn in 2016 8 LinkedIn recently published its 2016 list of the top skills employers look for to help you with your job search. Understanding those skills- and the skills employers look for in your industry- can be key to help you stand out on LinkedIn searches, says JoAnne Funch, a nationally recognized LinkedIn trainer, strategist, and speaker. Recruiters and hiring managers have the ability to narrow their candidate searches by keyword or skill,â Funch says. âFor those using LinkedInâs recruiter software, this is a fundamental function of the software. So you want to be sure your LinkedIn profile contains the most searched keywords for your industry.â Creating a LinkedIn profile that includes key skills related to the job you are applying for is important. You can find these important keywords or skills by researching job descriptions and paying attention to the words they use to describe skills. I recommend including as many of the relevant keywords in your LinkedIn profile within the headline, summary section, current and past experience sections, and, of course, under skills and endorsements, Funch says. Adding industry-relevant skills to your LinkedIn profile can be the key for job seekers hoping to get noticed when recruiters search for candidates. Although we do not know exactly how the algorithm works within LinkedIn, it makes sense that completing the skills and endorsement section with up to 50 skills can make a difference in being found by a recruiter targeting specific skills, Funch says. It could be possible that those who have been endorsed for their skills may also be favored in search results. Below, we list 2016s top 25 skills employers look for on LinkedIn with a brief description of each skill: 1. Cloud and Distributed Computing References skills in designing/developing software that integrates with the cloud. 2. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining The ability to use data to understand and explain statistics, database systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. 3. Market Campaign Management The ability to create, design, launch, and budget for marketing program plans, usually referencing online marketing programs. 4. SEO/SEM Marketing Search engine optimization and search engine marketing pertains to the ability to increase visibility through search engines. 5. Middleware and Integration Software Skills with software that links/integrates two separate applications. Often called software glue. Also known as enterprise application integration, or EAI. 6. Mobile Development Skilled at developing mobile apps and how it pertains to business success. 7. Network and Information Security Understanding the practices/policies to prevent cyberthreats, hacks, misuse, modification, or security breaches to a computer network or computer resources. 8. Storage Systems and Management Called the backbone of enterprise storage strategy. Keeps data private and systems moving. 9. Web Architecture and Development Frameworks The ability to understand the web framework, software framework, architecture, and how it applies to web applications, web frameworks, and web development. 10. User Interface Design The ability to design user interfaces for machines or software (mobile devices, computers, machines, and appliances). 11. Data Engineering and Data Warehousing The ability to understand reporting and data analysis, often correlated with business intelligence. 12. Algorithm Design The ability to create a mathematical process/design that is used to solve problems. 13. Perl/Python/Ruby Three popular, and original, scripting languages used in computer programming. 14. Shell Scripting Languages Understanding the language used in a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a UNIX-based operating system. Also called Shell script. 15. Mac, Linux, and Unix Systems The name of an operating system that supports a computers basic functions and manages the computerâs memory process. 16. Channel Marketing Channel marketing involves finding new partners to help transfer goods from producers to consumers. 17. Virtualization The creation of a virtual- rather than actual- version of something, such as operating system, storage device, network resource, or server. 18. Business Intelligence According to Gartner, an umbrella term that includes the applications, infrastructure and tools, and best practices that enable access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance. 19. Java Development One of the first programming languages that was specifically designed for use in the distributed environment of the Internet. Still an important programming skill today. 20. Electronic and Electrical Engineering Relates to the ability to design electronic circuits, devices, microprocessors, and microcontrollers, and to analyze the requirements and costs of electrical systems. 21. Database Management and Software Experience handling the organization, storage, and retrieval of the data, and understanding of traditional programming languages. 22. Software Modeling and Process Design Understanding of the process that defines software methods, functions, objects, and the overall structure and interaction of code, to meet user requirements. 23. Software QA and User Testing The ability to test software to help find bugs, identify issues, and relay progress/updates/problems to key stakeholders. 24. Economics The understanding of the process/factors that relate to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. 25. Corporate Law and Governance This refers to the systems by which a corporation is directed and controlled by its shareholders, directors, and officers. Readers, have you added any of these 25 skills to your LinkedIn profile? Have you found any other skills employers look for on your LinkedIn profile?
Sunday, November 17, 2019
8 Certifications That Actually Impress Recruiters
8 Certifications That Actually Impress Recruiters 8 Certifications That Actually Impress Recruiters With the rise of online learning , thereâs no shortage of classes you can take that offer you a certification in a particular trade, skill or software program. But outside of positions that require certifications - pilots, emergency medical technicians and often insurance agents, for example - do any of these make a real difference in a job application? We reached out to recruiters and HR professionals to get the answer. The consensus: Certifications certainly can make a difference, but not all certifications are created equal. Below are some of the ones that recruiters say actually move the needle in their decision to hire a candidate - if one of them is relevant to your field, consider looking into it! 1. Human Resources Certifications (PHR, SPHR, SHRM) While not a requirement, many recruiters agree that job seekers in the HR field can benefit greatly from professional certifications. âIf Iâm hunting for an HR professional, Iâll want to be sure they have certification from SHRM,â says Laura Handrick, HR Analyst at Fit Small Business . âI am going to be more interested in seeing certifications (or formal degrees) related directly to their career progression (e.g., PHR, SPHR for Human Resources),â adds Dawn D. Boyer, CEO of D. Boyer Consulting . 2. Project Management Certifications (PMP) âAnyone can claim to have the leadership and organizational skills of a Project Manager, but a certification in this field really adds value to a candidateâs resume,â says Ashley Riedesel, Technical Recruiter at OakTree Staffing & Training . âEmployers love to see this since employees with the PMP certification tend to have a more sophisticated approach to taking projects from inception through to completion across different methodologies,â adds Bryant Vargas, Director of Recruiting, Information Technology at Atlas Search . Bonus: While this certification is especially helpful for those in the Project Management field, the knowledge you gain can also be broadly applied to other fields at the manager and leadership level. 3. Sales Certifications (Challenger Sales, Spin Selling, Sandler Training) âSelling skills are often gained from experience, but candidates can stand out by including formal training or certification from a well-known sales philosophy on their resumes. A few examples: MEDDIC, Challenger Sales, Spin Selling, Sandler Training, etc.,â says Jordan Wan, Founder & CEO of CloserIQ . âThis shows the candidate has the discipline to back up their raw skills with learnings from sales experts to improve their selling ability.â 4. Help Desk/Desktop Analyst Certifications (A+, Network+) A caveat here: recruiters say these certifications arenât quite as impressive for more senior roles, but if youâre in an entry-level position, they can help your resume stand out. âAn A+ cert looks great for a lower-level position like help desk or desktop. Itâs a really good starting point and will definitely help you find your footing in the IT industry,â says Chase Wagner, Technical Recruiter at OakTree Staffing & Training. Recruiters may also like to see Network+ certifications, says Senior Technical Recruiter Kamron Cox, also of OakTree Staffing & Training. âThese are easier to get but do look good for those types of roles,â Cox shares. 5. Network Certifications (CCNA, CCNP, CCIE) If you want to be a network engineer or admin, Cisco offers a variety of certifications that can boost your application. âA good network engineer/admin typically would have a CCNA or CCNP, and for the heavy hitters, youâre looking at different levels within CCIE,â Cox says. The CCIE in particular âis a series of the highest level of Cisco Certifications offered for Network Infrastructure Leaders who design, build and implement enterprise networking systems,â Vargas says. âCandidates must first pass a written exam and then pass a hands-on lab exam. When employers see that youâve dedicated yourself to passing the written and lab portion of their CCIE it shows not only subject matter expertise, but also dedication and perseverance.â From sales to marketing to customer service and more, many departments in a corporate setting rely on customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, and Salesforce is one of the most popular choices. âItâs like the Google of CRM systems⦠most everyone uses [it],â says Wes Lieser, Executive Recruiter & Practice Director of Demand Generation & Marketing Technology at Versique . âIf someone is certified, then I know theyâre going to be well-versed in analytics.â Hubspot is primarily a tool for marketers, but it encompasses many different functions within that field - odds are, if you have a role within marketing, a Hubspot Inbound Certification can only help. âThere are only a select few certifications that actually move the needle forward when assessing a candidate⦠The first is Hubspotâs Inbound Certification,â says Keith Johnstone, Marketing Manager at Peak Sales Recruiting . âIt provides a framework and methodology for basic inbound marketing strategies and tactics like SEO, blogging, email marketing and social media.â 3. Google Certifications (Publisher, Analytics, AdWords, etc.) Google has a tremendous range of products and services, and almost as many certifications. Whether youâre in digital marketing, data science or software engineering, thereâs likely a Google certification that you can benefit from. âWe look for candidates that have the Google Publisher University certificates. There is one for each of Googleâs flagship supply-side products: DoubleClick Ad Exchange and DoubleClick for Publishers ,â says Kean Graham, CEO of MonetizeMore . âItâs rare to see candidates that have these certificates but when we do see them, we snap them up. We have found these candidates tend to be at a consistently higher level than the others.â Johnstone looks for candidates with Google Analytics certifications under their belts. âThese courses allow students to learn everything about Google Analytics from how to analyze reports, set up goals, campaign tracking to data collection, processing and configuration and more complex analysis and marketing tools,â he says. Rachel Lehn, Manager of Business Operations at Perfect Search Media , says her company â[looks] for current certifications in Google AdWords⦠As an agency, almost all of our employees have those certifications,â she shares. âIf a candidate has current certifications, we know that they have at least a basic understanding of Google AdWords and Google Analytics, which are core platforms for our service offerings of paid search advertising and search engine optimization.â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
ASME and Society of Manufacturing Engineers to Honor Dean Bartles
ASME and Society of Manufacturing Engineers to Honor Dean Bartles ASME and Society of Manufacturing Engineers to Honor Dean Bartles ASME and Society of Manufacturing Engineers to Honor Dean Bartles Dean L. Bartles, Ph.D. Dean L. Bartles, Ph.D., will receive the 2014 ASME/Society of Manufacturing Engineers M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal at SMEs Big M Manufacturing Convergence, on June 9, in Detroit, Mich. The M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal was established in 1986 by ASME and SME to honor an exceptional individual who has had significant influence and responsibility for improving the productivity and efficiency of the manufacturing operation. Dr. Bartles is executive director of the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDI) at Chicago-based UI Labs, a nonprofit research and development group led by the University of Illinois. The award recognizes his pioneering contributions to tank, mortar and artillery ammunition production processes as well as the multiple launch rocket system demilitarization process, which resulted in improvements in production rate efficiency, environmental control and energy utilization. Bartles has 35 years of U.S. and international manufacturing management experience, with emphasis on manufacturing facility startups, plant management, and manufacturing research and development. He has made significant contributions to improving defense manufacturing efficiency throughout his career. Bartles joined the newly established DMDI Institute as executive director in March. This public-private consortium of more than 70 organizations will address the life cycle of digital data interchanged among myriad design, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance systems, and flowing across a networked supply chain, to drive U.S. manufacturing leadership. Previously, Bartles was with General Dynamics in St. Petersburg, Fla., where he most recently served as vice president of advanced programs and strategic growth for the Ordnance and Tactical Systems (OTS) Division. From 2001 to 2011, he was vice president and general manager of the OTS strategic business unit for large caliber ammunition, which included three manufacturing plants. His implementation of adaptive control technology on computer numerically controlled turning operations contributed to significant improvements in production process efficiency. Always a strong advocate for industry-university collaboration, Bartles currently serves as a volunteer board member on East Carolina Universitys College of Technology Industry Advisory Board, Pittsburgh State Universitys College of Technology Industry Advisory Board, Iowa State Universitys Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Industrial Advisory Council and the University of Kentuckys Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing Industry Advisory Board. An ASME Fellow, Bartles has been a member of the ASME Industry Advisory Board since 2009. He is also a Fellow of SME and currently serves as vice president on the international board of directors. Bartles received his Ph.D. in technology management, with a concentration in manufacturing systems, from Indiana State University in Terre Haute in 2013.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The 25 Best Jobs with Horses
The 25 Best Jobs with Horses The 25 Best Jobs with Horses The equine industry has grown quickly in recent years, with horse owners showing a growing willingness to spend money on care, products, and services for their animals. This has, in turn, spurred growth for equine career paths at an accelerated rate. Here is a rundown of our 25 favorite careers with horses (in alphabetical order): Barn Manager: Barn managers supervise all aspects of horse care and manage the staff at equine facilities.Bloodstock Agent: Bloodstock agents assist with the sale and purchase of thoroughbreds through auctions or private transactions. They may also be involved with the sale of stallion seasons (breedings).Broodmare Manager: Broodmare managers are involved with all aspects of broodmare and foal care on the breeding farm. They usually participate in foaling duties or are on-call during foaling season to assist the night watchmen when a mare appears ready to foal. Dude Ranch Wrangler: Dude ranch wranglers provide care for ranch horses and supervise guests on trail rides, cattle drives, and camping experiences.Equine Dental Technician: Equine dental technicians work closely with veterinarians to diagnose and treat dental issues, providing both regular dental maintenance and emergency care.Equine Insurance Agent: Equine insurance agents market a wide variety of insurance policy options to provide coverage for the horses owned by their clients.Equine Massage Therapist: Equine massage therapists use their techniques to boost circulation, relax muscles, relieve pain, and enhance the range of motion in their equine patients. Equine Photographer: Equine photographers use their artistic and technical skills to capture quality photographic images of horses at rest or in competition. The photos may be used to create art, or they may be used for commercial (advertising) purposes.Equine Product Sales Rep: Equine product sales representatives are tasked with marketing horse related products to retailers on behalf of manufacturers and distributors.Exercise Rider: Exercise riders guide racehorses through their morning workouts at racetracks and training centers. Farm Manager: Farm managers provide top-level management for horses, staff, and equine facilities.Farrier: Farriers provide a variety of hoof care services including routine trimming, shoeing, and corrective enhancements.Groom: A groom provides routine care, oversees basic medical treatments, and supervises the day-to-day activities of each horse under their supervision.Jockey: A jockey rides racehorses when they compete at the track. They work closely with the racehorse trainer to develop strategies that will give the horse its best chance to win. Mounted Police Officer: Mounted police officers conduct patrols and provide crowd control while acting in a law enforcement capacity.Outrider: An outrider works to promote safety at the racetrack by supervising workout sessions, catching loose horses, and assisting with race day traffic.Racehorse Trainer: A racehorse trainer is responsible for managing all aspects of the preparation, management, and daily care of racehorses. Riding Instructor: Riding instructors coach students in specific equestrian disciplines, either for pleasure or competition. Saddle Fitter: Saddle fitters evaluate and adjust the balance of saddles owned by clients to ensure that the horse and rider team can perform effectively.Stallion Booking Secretary: A stallion booking secretary coordinates the scheduling of breeding appointments for the stallions kept on their farm.Stallion Manager: Stallion managers supervise the care, handling, and breeding shed activities of breeding farm stallions.Trainer: A trainer is involved with teaching horses to respond effectively to specific cues from their riders. Veterinarian: Equine veterinarians diagnose and treat horses used for recreation, sport, or breeding purposes.Veterinary Technician: Equine vet techs assist veterinarians with a variety of procedures including exams, treatments, and surgeries.Yearling Manager: A yearling manager is tasked with the comprehensive management and care of young, rapidly growing horses.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The 5 Worst Types of Resumes
The 5 Worst Types of Resumes The 5 Worst Types of Resumes As a professional resume writer and career counselor, Ive helped thousands of clients improve their resumes. In that time, Ive also identified five common types of resumes that actually prevent people from showcasing their best selves. Are you using one of these self-sabotaging resumes? Find out below: Resume No. 1: The Task Rabbit Signs that your resume falls into this category: - Your resume includes details without context or outcomes. - The bullets under each role are less than half a line long. - Your resume gets you callbacks â" for roles that you are way overqualified for. How Does This Resume Hurt Your Chances? You can easily spot this type of resume because it only lists the most basic aspects of the work that was performed, offering very few details about context, scope, or results. This type of resume is common among people who have trouble taking credit for the work that theyve done. The purpose of a resume is to showcase not only the responsibilities that youve had, but also the value youre capable of producing. A great resume can accomplish this by including rich, informative details about both the context of the work performed and the results that you accomplished. Quick Fix: In the first bullet under each role, try to include some details about the company (like yearly revenue or what its specialty is) to provide the reader with some context for your work experience. Resume No. 2: The Illustrator Signs that your resume falls into this category: - You have an image â" any image â" in your resume. - You used Photoshop or Illustrator to develop it. - The actual words make up less than 50 percent of the page. How Does This Resume Hurt Your Chances? If youre in a design-related field, of course you want to showcase your creative skills. However, a portfolio or personal website is likely a more effective way to accomplish this. Too often, the design of the resume takes away from from the actual content, distracting the reader and leaving little room for the most important, impressive parts: the actual descriptions of the work that youve done. Quick Fix: Develop a new draft that includes less than 10 percent graphic elements, and then keep track of which version is getting you more calls for interviews. Resume No. 3: The Jargonist Signs that your resume falls into this category: - A reader would need an advanced degree in your field to understand your resume. - Your bullets are more than two lines long. - Your resume contains actual paragraphs. How Does This Resume Hurt Your Chances? Youve heard the statistic: Recruiters spend less than six seconds on each resume. You only have the time it takes a decision-maker to take a first glance at your resume to convince them to look more deeply. If the document looks disorganized, if you appear unqualified for the role, or if the content looks too painful to digest, they will disregard it without a second thought. Quick Fix: Pare down the language by including one comma per resume bullet. Remember that the HR team is likely not trained for your role. Ask someone who is not in your field to cross out any words that they dont understand. You can get technical about your accomplishments during the interview. Resume No. 4: The Historian Signs that your resume falls into this category: - Youve included each and every role that youve ever held â" and youre not in your early twenties. - Your high school diploma is listed on your resume. - Your resume is more than three pages long. How Does This Resume Hurt Your Chances? A resume should normally go back no more than 10-15 years. The main reasons for this? The unfortunate reality of ageism, and the need to fit your work history onto two pages. Perhaps more importantly, your resume should include the highest level of work that youre capable of doing. It should highlight you current abilities while giving the employer a sense of your future potential. By giving valuable resume real estate to tasks that you performed more than 15 years ago, you are raising red flags that you havent kept up with how the industry has changed. Plus, think about it: If you sat down in front of a computer program that you used more than 15 years ago, would you even remember how to use it? Quick Fix: Cap the resume timeline at 15-20 years. If you must include an earlier role (like if you worked for a well-known company as an intern), make sure it is on the second page, and dont allocate more than two bullets to it. Resume No. 5: The Jack of All Trades Signs that your resume falls into this category: - You have degrees and/or training in multiple very different fields. - You have so many versions of your resume that you cant keep track of them - Youre using the same resume to apply for roles in several functions/ industries How Does This Resume Hurt Your Chances? Ideally, a great resume will provide your full professional narrative, showing employers the skills youve developed and what youre capable of. That being said, a resume is ultimately a marketing document, so you want to give the reader a cohesive account of your professional purpose without confusing them with irrelevant information. An example: I completed a furniture-building degree in my early twenties. If Im applying for a career-training role, I probably wont include this degree unless a.) the role Im applying for is part of a vocational training program, or b.) I think it will provoke an interesting conversation during the interview. And even then, I would only allocate one or two lines to the degree. Quick Fix: Visualize the role. Print out your resume and review each line, asking yourself Is this directly relevant? for each item. If it is, great! If its not, is there a way that you can add details to tie the item and the role together? Andrea Gerson has more than eight years of experience helping professionals find clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of energy around their work. She is the founder of Resume Scripter. Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
10 Real Marketing Resume Examples That Got People Hired at Nike, Google or Yamaha
10 Real Marketing Resume Examples That Got People Hired at Nike, Google or Yamaha 10 Real Marketing Resume Examples That Got People Hired at Nike, Google or Yamaha Marketing is thriving. In a world where too many companies are fighting for the same customer, hiring a good marketing specialist is what makes the difference. If youâre serious about working with leading global brands on their marketing strategies, youâve come to the right place. Weâve put together 10 real marketing resume examples by real people who got hired by the worlds top companies. Why not learn from those who already know the way? A marketing resume simply needs to sell itself. But how? First, you need to fill the resume with relevant information. Second, put it into an attractive shape. And these two steps need to complement each other. A great form without content is the same as great content without form: a missed opportunity. Our real marketing resume samples will help you see the impact of the form and content going hand in hand. And if you feel like you still need more guidance, check out our ultimate resume guide or download our ebook, completely free of charge. But letâs show you some real stuff now! Here are our 10 most appealing real marketing resume examples: 1. Hummingbird: Marketing Director Resume Sample If youre applying for a senior position, you can get away with a wordier resume. The point is to describe your wealth of experience in a sufficiently detailed manner. Still, this resume could benefit from a clearer structure. Although its divided into several sections, its structure within these sections leaves much to be desired. Remember that nobody likes reading walls of text. When writing a resume of your own, try to use bullet points. They make your resume nice and easier to read. 2. Nike: Retail Brand Specialist Resume Example Nike is a global, trend-setting brand. If you want to become one of the companyâs marketing specialists, you need to show that you know where youâre heading too. This marketing resume examples shows a young individual with a visual taste that matches the companyâs energy. You donât even need to speak Swedish to see the features that make this resume readable. Look at the balance between paragraphs and bullet points and how they convey the message in a different way. Bullet points talk about the applicantâs key responsibilities, each line being introduced by a powerful action verb. Short paragraphs in italics, on the other hand, contain the applicantâs first-person narrative of challenges and professional achievements. 3. Sheraton: Marketing Manager Resume Example The following resume boasts an especially powerful Profile section. It includes the most important pieces of information in just four sentences. Nothing unnecessary or non-relevant. A comprehensive summary helps you prioritise information you want the hiring manager to see first. For Aisha Hakim, this meant highlighting his extensive experience and admirable linguistic skills. A smart move that got him hired at such a multicultural company that Sheraton is. 4. Google: Team Leader Resume Example First, the length of this resume is fairly impressive. But hey, itâs no fluff - only relevant work experience. However, it might surprise you that older jobs are lacking a description. Why is that? If you have a long story to tell, remember to focus on the 3-4 most recent jobs you had. Itâs very likely that hiring managers wonât be very keen on reading an extensive chronicle of your whole professional life. Also, thereâs simply no better way of demonstrating your achievements than with numbers. Notice how numbers appear throughout the whole resume wherever possible. If you can quantify your career, do it. Google likes it. 5. Philips: Marketing Management Intern Resume Sample Students and fresh graduates often lack experience but exude passion for what they want to do. To write a good internship resume, you need to describe yourself as a motivated and enthusiastic individual. So whatâs the secret of Dennis Bondarevâs resume that got him hired at Philips? The lesson is - build your resume on your strengths points, not weaknesses. Focus on your soft skills, highlight your education and show off the certificates that youâve earned so far. And then just watch your experience grow with every internship you get. 6. Yamaha: E The marketing resume of Juliam Prim wonât tell us what he looks like, but we know he scored a cool job at Yamaha. If you want to learn more about the inclusion of your photo on your resume, hereâs what expertsâ have to say. Besides the photo, what makes this one so special? See how the bullet points govern the structure of the resume and list the key responsibilities under each position. Also, notice how the visually dominant labels help the hiring managers see the chronology in the experience and education sections. A smooth journey, so to say. 7. Planetromeo: Social Media Officer Resume Example Marketing is tied closely with the companyâs philosophy and its objectives. And itâs the social media officer who is responsible for shaping the voice of the company in the online world. The introductory paragraph of Joseph Carreyâs resume conveys a clear message: âI share your values and vision, and we will work towards a common goal.â Donât shy away from including details from your personal life if it has something to do with the position youâre applying to. After all itâs stories we live, not dry facts. 8. Hyatt-Regency: Marketing Communications Manager Resume Sample See how the clean layout and logical structure makes the resume easy to read. The bullet point is not the only tool for listing individual tasks in your Work experience section. Instead of bullet points and commas, you can come up with something more creative like vertical lines to divide your keywords. 9. LOréal: Marketing Manager Resume Example Being able to present yourself is one of the key skills the hiring managers seek. If they can see that you have a knack for the art of presentation, theyâll instantly recognise your potential. Marketing is all about customersâ eyes. The bullet points introduce key responsibilities in short phrases and give the resume sample a powerful visual element. One may argue the icons for the job seekers hobbies are redundant, but they are sure catch the readerâs attention. 10. Hard Rock Cafe: Copywriter Resume Example The position of copywriter at Hard Rock Cafe asks for something eccentric, and thatâs exactly what this resume stands for. Itâs bold and creative, uses bright colors and an unusual font type. Unless you step into the realm of Comic Sans, thereâs a high chance you can pick an original typeface that the hiring manager will appreciate. Use it for the headlines, but keep the body text clean by using one of the standard fonts like Verdana, Arial or Times New Roman. Also, one of the smart ways to demonstrate that you are skilled in communication is including your social media accounts. But donât forget to clean them up first! Want to see more resume examples from people who got hired by the worlds top companies? Check out our Resume Library! Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!
Monday, November 11, 2019
How to Make Friends at Work and Avoid Drama
How to Make Friends at Work and Avoid Drama How to Make Friends at Work and Avoid Drama How to Make Friends at Work and Avoid Drama Having work friends is awesome! However, professional limits are absolutely necessary. Here's how to make friends at work while avoiding drama. [TWEET] When you spend 40+ hours per week with a group of people it's only natural that friendships will start to form. In most cases it'll be a natural progression, but in some cases it'll be the spark to a whole lot of drama that you did not expect. Workplace dramas erupt for a variety of reasons and it all boils down to trust. Being friends with someone implies explicit trust, but it's just not always that simple in the workplace. One of my first work friends was a nice guy named Paul*. Paul and I worked at a call centre and sat together. He often helped me with technical issues and a friendship formed. One day Paul asked me to log him in to our computer systems when he was around the corner from work. He was going to be late but didn't want his lateness recorded, so he asked me to just log him in. I refused because, well, that's time theft and wham - friendship was off. Paul was totally upset that I let him be late when I refused to participate in his antics. What happened with Paul and I was a clash of values. As individuals, we bring our own sets of beliefs and values with us into the workplace, including our own definitions of friendship. In Paul's case, it was important to Paul that I protect his interests. He believed that as his friend I should display my loyalty without question to him. From my vantage point, him asking me to log him in was a conflict with my personal values. While you can't always foresee a values clash like the one Paul and I had, you can take steps towards learning how to make friends at work while making sure it's a drama-free friendship. 1. Set limits This is critical to learning how to make friends at work. Every work friend does not need to be a slumber party, tell-you-my-life's secrets kind of friend. Professional limits are absolutely necessary because like Paul and I, you don't want to go too far only to learn you've crossed a boundary with someone and suddenly they feel compelled to choose between you and the employer. If you choose to have work friends, keep them at a distance. Save your secrets for someone else. 2. Choose wisely There are so many people you should not be friends with. Here they are in no particular order: your boss, your employee, the clique, or the office Negative Nancy. First off, if you befriend your boss or your employee, you most likely are doing yourself a disservice. A distance must be kept in order to effectively manage someone. Managing someone means being a coach and having hard conversations that you can't easily have when you just went to the movies the night before. As for the clique, steer clear. The popular crowd is often the political crowd. These people are normally conniving, fake, and untrustworthy. Think of a clique this way: a clique is exclusive and pulls away from the spirit of a healthy company culture, which is inclusive. Do unto others and be the person who brings people together. As for the Negative Nancy or Negative Ned, avoid at all costs. Negative people spew drama and will bring you into theirs in a blink of an eye. Anyone who complains frequently, talks badly of others, or the company, is one to keep at an arm's distance at all times. 3. Take it Slow Most of the time when anyone in life comes on too strong to start, they're bad news. Too strong might be extremely friendly, out of their way niceness or serious familiarity. If someone right out of the gate is your new best friend abort! For your own good sense, take all work friendships slowly. People at work are political because most of the population believes that you must play politics to get ahead. Just Google 'office politics work' and you'll see page after page of real advice on how to get ahead by playing games. The people who brush up to you like an old pal on day one (or when they want something) are playing games. Take it slow when learning how to make friends at work. Be mindful of your personal intentions on befriending others but also be vigilant and consider others' intentions, too. Not everyone is looking for a friend. They might just want a promotion. Work friendships can be a great thing. They can transform a blas job to a fun, engaging job and increase job satisfaction and productivity. The problem with making friends at work starts with people who don't know where to draw the line or when politics come into play. Embark upon new friendships with eyes wide open. Ready to write the next chapter of your career? Hire a TopResume writer today!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume and What You Should Do Today
Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume and What You Should Do Today Vital Pieces of What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume Branded account aren't aloof for executives. If you believe some of your previous career experience won't earn any difference to an HR erase it. Beginning of a resume Before you even start to compose a resume, you have to identify your career objectives. Alternately, you may use a work objective or focus statement. A legal professional seeking the most suitable job ought to have a strong resume as a way to be noticed by the employers. The bullet lists also permit the hiring manager to spot the mandatory skills immediately. To the contrary, resume is the most typical document required from job applicants. Vital Pieces of What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume Outside the USA, CVs are a great deal more common. The career coaches can help even in the event that you do not understand what professional actually require. The Debate Over What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume If so the sorting won't happen to steer clear of delays. For example, if you are asking for a graphic designer's job, you can include things like graphics in the resume. There are a lot of ways resume examples can turn into a helpful job interview tool. If you hope to make a great impression on an employer looking at bad resume example s are sometimes a good tool for you. A sample is offered at the conclusion of the booklet. Otherwise, you may make a video that will present your video production abilities. You don't should get fancy once you're already on track. These suggestions and tips should help you in the important endeavor. A fast search on the web will display a lot of cover letters for resumes examples. Even if you're unsure of the individual holding the position to which you should tackle the letter make a very simple work and go their site and search for the man holding the position in the employee section. The best guide answering. The What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume Pitfall You are able to browse the various types of resumes and find one which satisfies your needs. Then you'll move on to other resume examples that tell you just how to present your educational info and any special skills you've got. Of effective communication skills you'll be added. You've written communication skills each person's recent level. You are able to demonstrate these employers your abilities by simply using resume samples that will help you better your own resumes. If you wish to be confused then you should just look at the many sorts of resumes used today. Resumes are not solely for individuals that are unemployed either. The Fight Against What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume Put simply, you highlight the things which are definitely the most important to a particular employer. If you're in a field that wants a portfolio of your abilities, you can want to let the resume be the ideal illustration of what you have the ability to attain. Now that you know how resume examples will allow you to create an impressive resume, you want to take time to locate a very good example for you to use. The response is simpler than you can picture. The One Thing to Do for What Is the Difference Between a C.v.and a Resume In the united states the primary difference between a cv and a resume is the objective of the documents. There are several straightforward dos and donts you may implement in. Whether or not you take advantage of a CV or resume, you should thoroughly edit your document. Frequently, the application instructions for a specific position will state if it's the CV or resume is requested. Listed below are examples of information that could be included in your curriculum vitae. A Final Word Employment searches have come to be increasingly complex, given current financial conditions and using technology.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Rumors, Lies and Live Resume
Rumors, Lies and Live Resume The Bad Secret of Live Resume A basic resume is also less difficult to read. Resumes don't need to take so much of your time but still shouldn't be neglected. A Startling Fact about Live Resume Uncovered With the aid of newer technologies, it is now very easy to relish live games on gadgets. Visual resume is about visuals, utilizing visual facets of graphic design to permit visual imagery and total visual appearance to speak for itself. You're able to observe that we've got both standard black and white templates and plenty of creative ones with graphics and colors added. You may also read more on the very best approach to use our resume samples here. What's also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that numerous packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both. View the full selection and download the style which best fits both your private preference in addition to the industry in which you're applying for. The Live Resume Cover Up The plan below ought to help you produce a resume that's easy to read and packed with facts employers wish to know. It can be difficult to produce a last decision on which to use. Resumes supply the all important first impressions to an employer an applicant cannot give during the first phase of the application practice. A thin, simple border line below your name and add ress can function as a wonderful divider, and further serve your aim to create the resume a simple read. Consider it as the personal letterhead on top of your professional resume. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. Ladders best resume templates are certain to offer you an advantage in your job search. Resume templates are likely the one most useful tool when seeking to compose your resume. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. Utilizing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for numerous reasons. Get exploring and you may be spotting something which you feel is going to earn an effect on your job seeking process. Or you get to relish feeling needed. Tons of individuals wish to get a better job. Ensure you didn't miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about! Read resume articles focused on specific facets of job searching and the way to use your resume. Therefore, if you would like resume help, you will need some good resume examples. All our resume templates are in Microsoft Word, that is the simplest program to use. Double check to ensure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Care er profiles supply an overview of your region of specialization and useful skills giving employers a general idea about what you can actually do. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. With a neighborhood small business mentor advising you, you'll be off to a terrific start in your career At Code Maine, you will get the career skills you want to be successful at your work, including writing effective resumes, cover letters, and company memos. If you get a lengthy employment history, you don't will need to include all of it. Read More The education profession is a really specialized field with its own particular set of skills and experience that should be emphasized on a resume for that resume to work and guarantee a work interview. The initial one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a special job position. Education and skills qualifies an applicant for additional processing but doesn't necessarily mean immediate success. You've got to organize your work history, employment information, and demonstrate your skills graphically.
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